Monday, August 24, 2009


the longer the sun is here
the longer you'll stay
i'm as patient as a burning building
when it comes to you
your temperature is temperamental
you're content with that unfinished project
i like to call yourself
i'll always bet on the seasons
but never you.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


color my heart grey
it knows neither right nor wrong
it's just willing.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Top Ten Ways The Country Would Be Different If Britney Spears Were President

isn't it ironic?

Science: Heroin Cures Heroin Addiction
By Hamilton Nolan, 12:08 PM on Thu Aug 20 2009, 12,835 views

Scientists who were definitely All Fucked Up have found the long-sought treatment that soothes troubled heroin addicts: Heroin.

The scientists found that heroin addicts who were given free heroin, in a clinic, "did better" than addicts given methadone. What the fuck does "did better" mean, in a scientific sense? The LAT reports:

After one year, 88% of those in the [free heroin] group were still in treatment, compared with 54% in the methadone group.

"In treatment" they get free heroin!

They were also more likely to curb their illegal behavior – including use of illicit drugs – by a margin of 67% to 48%.

Except for the free heroin!

Promising, huh?

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I really hate feeling this way. Every time I try to take a breath, I swear, it feels like my chest has been anesthetized and I can't really feel anything. I feel like there's a hole and it's making me lightheaded. But it's not like a high, more like a low. Maybe like there's a weight on my chest? It's so hard to describe but I just feel like things are out of my control and essentially, they really are. That doesn't work for me because I'm a fixer; I enjoy repairing problems and finding solutions. But now this numb feeling has creeped up from my chest and into my neck. Maybe I'm overwhelmed? I've heard so much bad news these past few days and I think it's hitting me hard. Harder than I'd like. I think I figured out what this feeling is. It's the "My naivete has disappeared and now I see the world for what it is" feeling. It's the "losing faith in humanity" feeling. And guess what? It fucking blows.

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality-John Lennon

Sunday, August 16, 2009

6 Signs She'sThinking of Cheating

This is an article I found in Men's Health. You're probably thinking, "Meghan, you ain't a dude," but this magazine has some really interesting articles. AND this is a men's mag, so seeing things from the other side of the spectrum can always be enlightening. According to the article, 25% of married women have had extramarital sex. The number becomes even larger when looking at single women (single meaning not married, but in a relationship). And we all thought men were the dogs, but there are some bitches out there!
Sign #1
She's Turning 25 or 30 or 35 or ...
-Growing older is a soft subject for women to begin with. It becomes even harder to deal with when a woman is approaching certain milestones in her life and finds herself dissatisfied with her relationship. According to, women are three times more likely to cheat on or around their birthday. Perhaps if we feel we aren't getting treated the way we deserve, we feel we can redeem our confidence by going out and having a fling. Although I don't agree with cheating, I can play devil's advocate and understand the logic behind it.
Sign #2
She's Been Promoted
-Although its unfair to say that more successful women are more inclined to cheat, the proof is in the pudding. A study conducted at the University of Washington discovered that people (yeah, not just women!) who earned a salary of over $75,000 were 1.5 times more likely to be unfaithful than those earning $30,000 or less. What's my take on this? I would imagine that the career driven woman has no time to see her husband so she seeks out sex elsewhere i.e., the gym, the office, maybe even from the guy who makes her morning latte. Also, if there's a man in her life who doesn't praise her for her success or even exhibits jealousy, she might go for someone more on her playing field---like her boss.
Sign #3
She's Moving In With You
-I wrote a similar blog on Cohabitation for my friend's psychology blog. It sounds silly when you read this and you're thinking,"Why would she possibly want to cheat if SHE wanted to move in together in the first place?" Well, I'll tell you why. The motivation for such a relationship milestone may vary from the man to the woman. Women will want to move in to form a more solid commitment to her man and her man just might want to save on rent. Alas, if the two parties sharing this apartment and relationship aren't in sync with their goals, it's possible one of you is likely to stray. Also, moving in together means spending a lot more time together, so you might have to work to keep that fire burning. If she feels your effort is lacking, she may decipher this as you find her less attractive or just aren't as committed anymore. If the feeling of unattractiveness is that great, she may jump into the arms of the next guy who pays her a compliment. P.s.- A survey on found that 41% of women were likely to cheat with a coworker. So boys, keep that fire burning!
Sign #4
She Thinks You've Cheated
-Well, fellas, this is simple math. Revenge can be sweet, I suppose. A girl who has been slighted will want to slight you right back. However, in my opinion, if you have suspicions that your man is unfaithful, don't jump on the next guy's lap that offers to buy you a $2 beer; TALK about it! According to Peggy Vaughan, the author of The Monogamy Myth, 86% of couples who had an affair and talked about it, were still married! In opposition, only 59% reconciled who barely discussed the big, relationship elephant in the room.
Sign #5
She's Not Getting Enough
-I can't think of a man who wouldn't want a woman with an insatiable appetite for sex; so why won't you give her what she wants?!? Of course, those who have been doing serious time in relationships realize that things may come to a lull from time to time, but women take all this personal. We are sensitive creatures and always want to imagine a double-meaning to every word that leaves a man's mouth. If she feels you're not as frisky as you used to be, she might think she's not as desirable as she used to be. Also, sex is more important to women than you may know. Oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for giving us the need to bond intimately with others, is released 3 to 5 times higher than usual right before a woman reaches orgasm. Maybe this explains the post-coital cuddling. Get back in the saddle and get naked, gentlemen!
Sign #6
She's Ready to Bolt
-This is the coward's way out, but in order to flee a relationship without promise, many people choose infidelity. A survey conducted by David Buss, Ph.D., asked 100 men and women what would be their method of choice in ending a bad relationship, one of the most common answers was to begin an affair. This is possibly (if possible at all) the least admirable reason to cheat. Why not just break up? I imagine it would be really hard to get your belongings back after your boyfriend found out you banged his brother. Moral of the story: Cheating's for self-deprecating celebrities and politicians.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Bittersweet, this is…
The peaks and valleys of my expectations
And there’s still room for a sigh
Of disappointment
Tears come with discretion
But no real reason
Silence isn’t golden, lover
It’ll tell you all
That you never wanted to hear
If you listen in
We were so high
But the rule’s written
We must come down

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dr. Bai, Session Number 1

Miss, why do you swallow those pills?
Well, because I enjoy the letting go
The rush of feeling faint
It’s euphoria, the nothingness
Miss, you say you enjoy pain, why’s that?
I like that I’m forced to feel something
I can’t fake it’s existence
It burns and I smile sweetly
Miss, do you ever lie?
I lie all the time
But is it really a lie
If you, yourself, believe it?
And is it a lie if it hurts no one?
I lie to make myself more beautiful
On the outside
Is that a crime?
Miss, would you say have issues with men?
Daddy issues? Sure
I never knew the man that helped create me
And maybe I'll never know all the men I'm with
Miss, do you ever drink to alter your mood?
I drink when I’m happy
I drink when I’m sad
Does that satisfy your question?
You call it abuse
I call it my comfort zone
I never wanted to face the silence
But here I am.

dear sweet boy

And he said, “I lied to you because I love you”

And her cheeks turned crimson hot

And the breaths ceased

And the only sign of life was the salt water trickling down

I can give, but you’ll always take

My frivolous efforts piled high

Am I your most favorite fool?

Guilt is just you regurgitating your deceit

And now I suppose I’m as you are

Acting on impulse

And so I whisper

Dear sweet boy, you’re invited

To be slighted

In the worst way


hi ya'll. i'm just starting this blog thing out and i don't even really have one specific theme going. i plan on posting things i write whether they be poems or stories, some psychology articles i have opinions on and i'll be sharing any interesting experiences in my own life worth mentioning (or not). enjoy this multifaceted collection of meghan!

<3 me